About Me

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Hello everyone, I am the teaching assistant for this College English course. I am a law school student, also double majoring in accountancy, at National Chengchi University (Taipei, Taiwan). I went to Peking University (Beijing, China) on an exchange program during my junior year. While I was there, I did some social work, such as working at an after-school program for elementary school children. It is now time for me to think about my future: should I go straight to work or pursue a master’s degree? This is a tough decision that I need to make very soon. I like to travel to learn new things and meet new friends, and I especially enjoy experiencing different cultures. In addition, tasty food and delicacies are my favorites, too! Sometimes I cook dishes I learned from cookbooks and TV shows, or I just invent my own recipes. In this blog, I will write about my exchange and travel experience. I hope that these memories can provide you with a broader perspective on your college path and stimulate you to think of more different choices for your college life.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Go Abroad, Go Exchange!


     If you ask me what I think is the most important thing that one should experience during his or her college life, I would answer you without any hesitation that studying abroad for a period of time is definitely a must. I believe by doing so, one will be able to know more about what they want for the future, and to gain a better understanding of themselves.

     But what’s interesting is that I didn’t make up my mind to go on an exchange program until my second summer vacation from university. To put it this way, before that, I had considered going on an exchange program to be a luxury since I had so many credits awaiting me to complete because of my double major. However, in 2010, I had a chance to participate in a summer camp held by Tsinghua University in Beijing, in which I learned about modern China. I was particularly attracted to the charm of its architecture and ancient classics. I really wanted to know more about its great culture and, of course, its people as well. Thus, I decided to spend a whole semester exploring it, and to feel the differences and similarities between mainland China and Taiwan.

     Well, it is now my fifth year in NCCU. You must wonder if I regret spending a semester in China. My answer is NO. I am very pleased with my choice. Not only did I realize my dream, but I made some friends for life!

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